Joan Safont
Journalist and writer
He holds a degree in Law from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPD), a Master's degree in Reportage and Advanced Journalism from the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication at the Ramon Llull University (URL) and a PhD from the University of Girona (UdG), with a thesis on the lawyer, politician and press man Amadeu Hurtado.
He currently writes for Vilaweb. He has been the coordinator of La Lanza, the cultural space of the newspaper, a columnist in various media - L'Avenç, Ara, El Temps, Crítico, Revista de Catalunya, Valores, Barcelona Metrópolis, among others - and a contributor to the television programme Más 3/24, on Televisió de Catalunya, and Via Lliure, on Rac1.
Since his first book, Per França i Anglaterra, la Primera Guerra Mundial dels aliadòfils catalans (A Contravent, 2012), he has worked on journalism, literature, politics and Catalan society between the First World War and the Civil War. He has published Capitans del comerç, explicats pels seus fills (MobilBooks, 2016), Sabotatge contra Franco. Episodis d'oposició dels que havien guanyat la guerra (Angle Editorial, 2017), Greuges i desgreuges. El debat Catalunya-Espanya a la premsa, del primer catalanisme a l'actualitat (Ara Llibres, 2018) and PEN Català, 95 anys de diplomacia cultural (PEN Català-Meteora, 2018).